Norah Hayes
ColumnistTechnology makes us harder to stay focused at work and study. I enjoy writing articles recommending powerful website blockers and app lockers that help you be more productive.
Questo articolo ti mostra come bloccare facilmente i siti di gioco d'azzardo su computer e telefoni, fornendo istruzioni passo dopo passo. Ti aiuta a fermare la dipendenza dal gioco d'azzardo.
December 24, 2024Questo articolo ti mostra come bloccare tutti i siti web eccetto alcuni consentiti. Consenti solo a determinati siti web di bloccare completamente l'accesso a qualsiasi sito web indesiderato.
December 24, 2024Questo articolo parla di come bloccare i siti web su Windows 10 Chrome, Firefox ed Edge. Puoi anche scoprire come bloccare un sito web su Windows 10 in determinati orari.
December 24, 2024Questo articolo parla di 6 metodi per bloccare i browser Chrome, Firefox, Edge e altri su computer e telefono. Ti aiuta a proteggere i tuoi dati e la tua privacy sui browser.
December 24, 2024Cerchi il miglior blocco porno per Mac? Questo articolo parla dei 5 migliori blocchi porno e ti mostra come bloccare la pornografia su Mac usandoli.
December 24, 2024Excessive screen time can have many negative effects, including sleep deprivation, increased depression, neck, shoulder and back pain, etc. This article talked about how to reduce screen time in 8 ways, which are actually work for me.
December 18, 2024YouTube can be a big distraction, time waster, or source of inappropriate content for children. To prevent yourself o your kid from using YouTube, you can block it on the device.
December 12, 2024Protecting privacy is important for every one. Especially for important apps like WeChat, which may store a lot of personal chat history and sensitive information. This article talked about how to lock WeChat on iPhone or Android using different ways. Help you protect your privacy.
November 18, 2024Looking for a way to protect photos and videos in your Google Photos from unauthorized access? You can easily lock Google Photos with a password, fingerprint, or face recognition.
November 14, 2024Like other social media apps and websites, Instagram is distracting and addictive. Even if you uninstall it from your iPhone, it can be easily reinstalled. For users with less self-control, it is better to block it completely. This article talked about 3 free ways on how to block Instagram on iPhone, including blocking Intagram app and website. Help you or your child overcome Instagram addiction.
November 13, 2024